Spirulina, the natural algae, is a great source of protein and anti-oxidants. It contains 22 essential amino acids, B complex vitamins & minerals. It is a rich source of phytonutrients such as beta-carotene, GLA & phycocyanins. Tyrosine, Vitamin E and selenium in spirulina are anti-oxidants that eliminate free radicals & delay ageing. It is a potent immune enhancer and boosts vitality.
Recommended Usage:
One capsule twice a day with water after meal or as suggested by your healthcare provider
Disclaimer : The product is purely a dietary supplement and the content provided is based on the various research and our ancient Indian health knowledge. It is not indented to replace or substitute any medicines and medical advices.
Botanical Name : Arthrospira
English : Spirulina
Tamil : சுருள்பாசி
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