Showing all 3 results

  • Aavaaram Gold (75gms)


    Aavaaram, Cassia auriculata, is an evergreen medicinal shrub with attractive bright yellow colour flowers. The use of plants as therapeutic agents in addition to food is age long. It is a common plant in Asia, profoundly used in Ayurvedic medicine as a tonic, astringent and as a remedy for diabetes, conjunctivitis and opthalmia.

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  • Jack Gold (200gms)


    Jackfruit, Artocarpus heterophyllus is an integral part of common Indian diet and it is glorified as one of the three sacred fruits Mukkanigalil Oru Kani in ancient Tamil literature For thousands of centuries, jackfruit has been well known for its medicinal properties Jackfruit contains antioxidant preylflavones and major protein Jacalin which possess immunological properties. The powder of Artocarpus heterophyllus and Cassia auriculata are mixed in specified composition, innovated under the concept of “FOOD AS MEDICINE AND MEDICINE AS FOOD” for well being of people.

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  • Moringa Rice Mix Powder (100gms)


    Moringa Leaves, Moringa Oleifera, have remarkable functional and nutraceutical properties. Moringa powder contains more than 90 nutrients including 40 powerfull antioxidants and all 9 essential amino acids required for proper protein synthesis. A small quantity to your daily intake will make you a healthy person.

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